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CLAN ORDO - Mandalorian


Clan Ordo | Blood For Har'angir

Bloodthirsty and vicious, the warriors of Ordo have yet to meet an enemy

that they can't hack down. Coming from their desolate home world in the

Mandalore Sector they launch bloody raids on the surrounding systems,

taking what they need and leaving their enemies to rot. The clan venerates the

ancient ideals of the Neo-Crusaders and the Taung, and it prevails in their

sheer brutality. No quarter is ever given nor requested. Any in their

path - be it ally or enemy - are recklessly swept aside in the pursuit of martial perfection.

The Mandalorians of Ordo are often grizzly in appearance - sporting gruesome trophies and favoring melee combat. The Clan is currently headed by Jorval Kad Ordo, a veteran whose very mind is horridly unstable. Recent surgeries rendered him evermore bloodthirsty and savage, making every encounter with the warlord a gamble. Beside him his son, Cassus Kad Ordo wages war against their enemies while dutifully carrying out raid-after-raid to ensure the the prowess of their warriors.

Contact: Shevordo Resident, Clairesky95 Resident, Lex Akros, Cassiusofar Resident, Unlivedphalanx Mcmahon, Captainamerica Allen


WERDA - Mandalorian


Werda is an elite Mandalorian clan (aliit), specializing in all forms of combat. Within the clan are Master Battle Strategists, Weapon Designers/Makers, Combat Trainers, and is home to some of the best skilled fighters in the galaxy. Clansmen of Werda are known throughout the galaxy as one of the deadliest of adversaries. However before all of the bloodshed and terror... comes family, honor and unity. These things are the backbone that holds Clan Werda together. If you were looking to become well trained in the art of combat and the life of the Mando'ad, then we are the group for you.

H&C LOGISTIC INC. (HCLI) - Corporate


H&C logistic incorporated (HCLI) is an intergalactic enterprise dealing in

shipping, logistical support and arms trading. Originally founded by

Floyd Hekmatyar and ran by him and his two children Kasper and Koko until

Samantha Veronica Rieker acquired a majority of the company's total shares

almost two decade ago in 252 ABY. 

The corporation currently has offices all around the galaxy, save for the Deep

Core Regions, though currently holds most of its dealings in the Core Worlds,

providing factories for government or private leasing. The current Galactic

Headquarter is located in Kestro City on Vardos.

HCLI's weapon systems as well as highly trained contractors are currently seeing action in conflicts all around the world. 

Recently HCLI has began branching off into several domestic business ventures, such as business consultation and Entertainment/Event Show Services

Contact: Samhallson Resident


LEGION - Political/Military


The legion begins its story in 4000bby as an answer to a growing concern

with stabilizing control for the Republic of balmorra. A group of 50 light infantry

storm a pirate facility to recapture a set of blueprints for a top secret leap drive

engine, this engine could boost the speed of larger ships and not leave an ion

trail for others to follow. During the raid the pirates try to detonate the facility to

keep the plans from falling back into the Republics hands. A young soldier manages

to escape with the plans at the cost of his own life.This young soldier wounded badly

from the fight escaped into a pod but instead of going straight to a medical facility

he programs the pod to take the plans and his soon dead body to Command, he was the 13th veteran picked to take part in the mission and in honor of his sacrifice the 13th legion was formed.

 The 13th Legion grew to a point that multiple divisions were necessary so the name was changed to the Legion, the Legion became the military arm of the Republic of Bamlorra. With the Legion becoming to total of the military the senate voted that both consuls would direct the Legion in times of emergencies and that in peace time each division would run its self by its own Primus or general. 

The Republic of Balmorra to this day remains an independent republic self governing with the Director at the helm of its military gaining a large support in the senate. The Director has led the Republic of Balmorra into gaining mines on moons, asteroids, and building many massive space stations that maintain peace in their space and on major trade routes.  With growth came need for Embassy's. The Republic of Balmorra sent a Division and diplomatic teams to set up an Embassy on Taris to bridge diplomatic relations with the New Republic and establish new trade connections with the businesses and hutts that hold commerce there.   

Contact: Aywin Resident

Legion Logo white trans.png

THE REMNANT - Underworld


A long time ago... As Darth Kyroth crushed the pillars of a decadent Empire,

the fall shook foundations across the galaxy. The Dread War and its

aftermath held the attention of most major powers, but the battles in the

Core Worlds were only possible because of efforts throughout the many

planets controlled by the resurgent Sith Empire.


Once Darth Umbra stepped out of the shadows to claim the Imperial throne

in the wake of devastating losses during the Dread War's final days, many

offshoot factions broke away to form small enclaves. These Imperial

warlords and fringe Sith were forced one by one back into the fold, but

some escaped notice, and some found themselves free to act when Umbra's

reign was shaken by an inexorable Wrath.


The man responsible was more than a Sith, and he took with him his own faction -- the Remnant, saving precious resources from the years of destruction and conflict that would follow. Disappearing from the galaxy for a time, these forces were forgotten as new incarnations of the Sith and the Republic battled for power.


Now, Kyroth has called his old minions back into battle, raising the remnant as a small, but seasoned presence poised to execute his mysterious schemes. It is in this time that other old memories are shaken to the surface, as Remnant forces receive intelligence about a potential source of new followers and resources...

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